Cartoonist does Book Signing at Sherwood Park Chapters
Sherwood Park, AB October 16, 2010 – Edmonton’s Tony Esteves, cartoonist of Cigarro & Cerveja, will be signing books and doing free sketches at the Sherwood Park Chapters on October 16th from noon to four. To promote the availability of his two books in the Sherwood Park Chapters, Tony is signing his books with free sketches. Cigarro & Cerveja , a comic strip about a cigarette-smoking rabbit and a beer-drinking goose, had its beginnings at the University of Alberta Gateway and found its way to the internet where it continued to grow and be printed in two books.
Cigarro & Cerveja: Round 1 contains the first five years of the comic strip, and a guest comic by Ignatz Award nominated Seattle-based cartoonist, Jon Morris. Cigarro & Cerveja: The Path to Enlightenment is a sequel and contains the following two years of the comic strip and a contribution by Edmonton-based cartoonist, Rudi Gunther.
Tony Esteves, creator of Cigarro & Cerveja, is a world-class independent cartoonist based in Edmonton, Alberta. Known for their sharp wit, Cigarro & Cerveja comic strips have been published online for over ten years for the whole world to read. His work ethic and respect for the art of cartooning has allowed Tony to grow and develop his craft. Cigarro & Cerveja is a mature comic without being too risqué and fairly mainstream without being too bland.
I did a presentation on webcomics at the 72nd annual Canadian University Press conference, hosted by the Gateway, today. I’d like to thank Mike Kendrick for inviting me and all the people in attendance for being so patient and understanding as I rambled on about comics, advertising, merchandising, and the devastating buffer. It was a pleasure to meet everyone and I hope I was able to answer all the questions appropriately. I felt very welcome and I’m glad I was given the opportunity to speak.
Here are some Gateway comics for your reading pleasure.
This is an update to the INDY WEEK post:
I’ll be at Happy Harbor v2 on Saturday, January 2nd, twenty-ten – drawing sketches for Food Bank donations. Come on down to 180 Manning Crossing with your box of KD or canned vegetables and I’ll draw up a sketch of your choice. Bring reference material, in case I just can’t remember to draw Boba Fett from off the top of my head. I’ll be there from 10 am to 6 pm focusing my ki.
I think it’s safe to let you know (damn press release embargo) that Chris Hawkins and I have a 6-page story in the Paul Lavallee‘s latest Induced comic. Bikini Rangers is the story of three kick-ass dames in bathing attire who roam the countryside doling out punishment and asking questions later. Think Baywatch meets The Legend of Kung-Fu. Chris is the talented writer. As well as being the publisher, Paul lettered the comic. I did my humble part of the art chores. Check out the fantastic cover by the exquisite Fiona Staples (put a ring on it, boys. She’s a keeper).
The comic debuts on December 30th. Just in time for INDY COMIC WEEK at Happy Harbor (note the previous blog post).
I am, however, offering a pre-sale for anyone OUTSIDE of the Edmonton capital region (You guys in town better show up for some INDY WEEK). For the low price of $5, you can have your very own copy of Induced signed by the creative team.
Edit: Comic is no longer available for sale.

Preview of Bikini Rangers